29 March, 2009

Goin' Detox, Day 5 - 27 March, 2009. All Good...All Happy!

Halfway Home.

Nice to make the halfway point. 5 days ago, there was much fear, self doubt and anxiety about this detox. That seems to be replaced by confidence, accomplishment and peace.

Albeit, Friday was a bit of a tough day, since it was bagel day at the office and I'm a bit of a bagel fan. Made it thru OK, but was definitely tempting. Had a good couple of meetings, one with my VP. Always great to sync up with him, then met friends at Pizza Antica in Satan's Row for lunch.

Interesting, as it wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. It's one of my favs for pizza and wouldn't have been my first choice during non-grain, non-dairy detox, but chose to catch up with Joe before he takes off for a month..so the mountain's gotta go....:)

After the office, did a really killer KB workout from Sandy Sommer ...20 mins of Swings & Squats, then a 10 min :30/:30 snatches. Very simple. Very tough.

Decaf Coffee
Almond Butter

Green Salad w/ veggies & grilled chicken

Mixed nuts

Organic chicken & veggie soup
Greek Salad (no cheese)

27 March, 2009

Detox, Day 4 - 26 March 2009

Had a pretty good day today. I guess I may starting to feel a bit different, but no drastic changes. I still seem to have a bit less energy in workouts as I'm expecting myself to have, but again, nothing drastic. One major thing that hit me was really wanting a glass of wine as I was on the patio grilling chicken and veggies. It's one of my routines...if I'm grillin', I've got a glass of wine. Perhaps the only time I've been vinoless at the grill. Lots of temptations at the office yesterday...I forgot to mention..... I spoke at an summer intern recruiting event and they had lots of chips, dip, cookies, etc, etc etc....I had water. The next meeting had some mixed nuts, so I had an afternoon snack...that worked out well. Also, talked to a great new friend who has already benefitted from these notes/blogs. Happy to see that a bit of change can trickle down and spread out. Nice! Got a nice ride in last night (lovin' daylight savings time...in the evening, at least) and did 2 loops of my normal training ride. I know it's a tough ride, but I figured out why yesterday. It climbs 600 feet in 1/2 of a mile..the last 100 yards or so are >12%. Now I know why it's so freekin' tough. June 6 is coming fast and I'm doing everything I can to be ready. Also, had time to make a proper BFast as I was at home in the AM. Nice.

4 links chicken BFast sausage
Almond Butter
Decaf Coffee


Green Beans and Chicken

MTB Ride - 90 mins

Mixed Nuts & Organic Raisins (no sulfate/sulfur)

Grilled Chicken Grilled Veggies w/ Zatar
Tomato and Avocado Salad w/ Olive Oil & Lemon Juice

26 March, 2009

Goin' Detox, Day 3 - 25 March, 2009.. Damn, hang on, I gotta pee again.

First, I want to talk about this detox thing a bit. Chris Brewer left me a note and the tone seemed to be that he was concerned about me doing this thing very "cowboy" style. ..and rightfully so, as he didn't know I sought the advice of a professional nutritionist.

So, while my program is something similar to other people who are doing a detox/cleansing, this is really an individually designed program. If this detox idea interests you, PLEASE don't just take what I'm doing and apply it. I'm not the oracle. I'm writing/blogging this for two purposes: personal accountability and to perhaps spark the interest of others who might have considered this and thought it was too difficult or not very approachable. If I can do this, you can too, just seek professional help (NO, not THAT kind of professional help, a nutritionist) so you can make this work and make the sacrifices beneficial!

Day 3

I had a good day today as well with the exception of my legs. REALLY heavy today. I did a couple of heavy TMax intervals the past couple of days and not sure if that's the sole culprit or if removing certain things and taking calorie/carbohydrate levels down a good bit is part of the issue. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

..and now to the title. Yes. Seems as if I am always running to the toilet. Between 9:30PM and11:00PM I went 3 times. I suppose that's what you get for drinking so much H20...and that's good and is part of the plan. Water is one of the methods of cleaning the toxins from the body. Drink up, Mancebo!


Apple & Banana
Decaf Coffee


Chicken Verde Salad, greens, tomatoes, salsa, cilantro

Mixed nuts

Workout - Light KBs...upper body only.


Sauteed chicken and veggies (red peppers, zucchini, green beans, onion, celery) with Moroccan spices

25 March, 2009

Goin' Detox - Day 2 - 24 March, 2009

2nd day was also pretty good, but I was a bit more hungry than the first day. Seems logical given the pull back in all bread and my lack of a proper breakfast. Also, lunch was on the small side. Not much chicken.

One thing that I noticed is that the legs are pretty heavy today. I'm not sure if doing two consecutive days of TMax training is the culprit, but I was definitely not as crisp on the trainer today.

Had a business dinner at Gordon Biersch and was tough not having a beer or two with dinner...but I did keep it on the straight and narrow.


Raw Cashews
Decaf Coffee


Chicken with Cilantro and Curry spices
Garbanzo Beans with green curry

Nuts & H20

Workout - 45 mins TMax intervals (320 watts) on trainer


Green salad with Vinaigrette
Seared Tuna
Sauteed veggies and garlic spinach

T-Max Intervals...or how to puke your guts out, then climb strong.

I've mentioned TMax intervals a couple times and some folks have asked ...what's TMax?

Tmax intervals are a method of power training aimed at increasing power levels and sustain times. To do this you need a bicycle with a power measurement device and a trainer, or an exercise/spin bike with a power measurement display.

The reader's digest version is this:

1) Figure your TMax -- On a trainer do an all out max VO2 effort. Max power for 4-6 minutes. You should puke, or be close to it at the end of this. Nice. Don't worry, you only need to do this once....in a while.

2) Wait 2 days, then do intervals of 60% of the time you set your TMax, then double that for an active recovery....so if you did 350 watts for 5 minutes, you'll do 3 mins @350 watts, then recover for 6 minutes.

3) Repeat 3-8 intervals. You'll likely not be able to do more than 3-4 to start. As soon as you can do 8 intervals, set a new TMax.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

For a full read up, check here

Goin' Detox - Updated daily for 10 Days

As you may know, I'm doing a body detox that is inspired by Chris Brewer doing the same "concept" coupled with some interesting timing.

Disclaimer - Don't try this at home. I'm not a doctor, I only play one on TV, and objects in mirror are closer than they actually appear..etc, etc. ....so please see a nutrionist if you find this interesting and want more info. If you're near a Whole Foods SuperOrganiMercado many offer the opportunity to speak with a staff nutrionist. Check it out. It's a good deal! This is an individual plan, so it varies from person to person.

The goal of the detox is to try and get your body back to as neutral a state as possible and then add things back to the diet and watch for potential negative reactions. I've never done anything like this before but the idea of it seems really interesting to me.

The detox lasts 10 days, but this is not a temporary 10 day fix-it...it's a foundation for a new, more balanced plan of eating. It's pretty simple...no dairy, grains, sugar, soy, alcohol, no starchy veg (potatoes, tubers, etc), artificial sweeteners, caffeine, no red meat or pork....and everything organic. No sense of potentially putting toxic chemicals back in your system.

So, think caveman diet. Veggies, fruit, nuts, meat. Goal is 5 meals a day...3 regular and 2 snacks and LOTS of H20. My goal is 6 litres of water a day.

Day 1 - Monday, 23 March, 2009

I felt really good in the AM. Not hungry at all. Interesting what a commitment will do to things.

Decaf coffee

Mexican style green salad with Chicken, roasted veggies, black beans, onions, tomatoes, salsa, avo.

Workout - 45 mins TMax intervals (320 watts) on trainer

Shrimp StirFry with veggies
Handful of nuts

Had a good day. No real trouble spots here. No temptations. Felt fine, plenty of energy Some interesting digestive tract issues.

Thinking about things more & tough finding something for breakfast.

20 March, 2009

Rant - Real News vs. Real COMEDY

Rant ON.

Seems as if Jeff Zucker, El UberPresidente of NBC Uni is ticked at Jon Stewart for being tough on CNBC & his lamb, Jimmy Cramer (seen here for those under the covers for the last week.) Zucker made the following comments at the McGraw Hill Media Summit in NYC earlier this week:

"I think Jon Stewart was incrediby unfair to CNBC and to the business media in general. Everybody wants to find a scapegoat. I'm upset that my 401(k) isn't what it was. But to suggest that CNBC is responsible is absurd. Last year, Jim Cramer was out in front during two days in particular, when he went after Ben Bernanke. He told viewers six months ago to go cash now. It's like holding BusinessWeek responsible for Nov. 2007 suggesting that AIG was the best stock to buy. You can't look at any singular call that CNBC or Jim Cramer makes. I'm incredibly proud of what we've done."

I just can't figure out what he's referring to. Unfair? What the hell are you talking about, Einstein? 

If you watch the piece, Stewart brings up several clips where Jimmy the C talks some awfully irresponsible and two faced crap. It seems pretty obvious that Stewart is calling them on their shit. The message is not "The mess here is all your fault Jimmy and CNBC and financial news media", the message that I got, and that seems presented pretty simply, was something along the lines of ..."you guys are supposed to be REAL news and you're not acting that way...you're acting as if you're promoting the interests of connected parties. That's not news. Start acting like news, people are relying on you being informative and honest. You've been neither, lately" (my words, of course)

When Cramer talks out of both sides of his mouth..."Lehman is a great bet" and also "I told people to take cash positions six months ago", he's clearly trying to be more relevant and more of a hero than an oracle. Jimmy, you're just a news guy. Nothing more, nothing less. If that's too "little" for you, you should probably look for a new hedge fund to skunk.

So Jeff, suck it up and get your financial news goons to start acting, reporting, talking, & discussing financial "stuff" more like it's NEWS, not just stuff that really doesn't matter to people. Like Stewart said, it's not a fuckin' game. People are relying on you being news and not entertainment.

Absolutely freakin' amazing that it takes a comedy news show to get to tough questions and call the alleged "REAL" news folks out. These are the guys that are supposed to make us laugh and Cramer and clan are the guys that are supposed to tell us the truth. WHAT?

Both Zucker and CNBC are a joke. Have some gravitas and take responsibility for your inattentiveness to your job. Man up, dude.

Rant OFF

10 March, 2009

2007 UNTI Barbera

Well, seems as if I have a bromance goin' with Mick Unti of UNTI Vineyards

We met Mick at Nectar Wine Bar in Burlingame last night (09 Mar 09). His wines were the feature for the Monday evening tasting and he brought some excellent representations of his family-owned, craft-oriented vineyard. (That's code for he gives a shit about the wine more than capturing the $$ following the latest trend.)

We talked about our preferences in styles of wine and how overdone things are and we just seemed to be agreeing. Santa Lucia Highlands is not really Pinot but rather Zin and Rombauer ...well, you get the idea...it's about the wine, not the winemaker. We're a perfect match.

Mick graciously presented the flight of the four featured wines. First, the 2007 Cuvee Blanc, a clean mineral rich Grenache Blanc blend with Picpoul. Nice. Shale, green olive finish. Next, my friend, the 2006 Petit Frere. See previous blog for review. 3rd for the evening was the 2006 Zinfandel. Pleasant, not your average Dry Creek Zin. Very personable and understated. Reserved. Nice! Finally, the 2005 Syrah Benchland. Sourced from their own acreage on the East Dry Creek Bench. Well, OK. Syrah's not really my favorite, but it's certainly showing of it's character. Good. Ok.....Time to go home.

Now, I think I know what you're thinking..."tell us more about the bromance, Jase." Ok, Ok...well, this is where he sealed the deal.

See, while I was plenty excited on the drive up to catch up with the latest Unti news and "brews", I didn't have any idea what was in store for me. I though she'd stayed at home, at least that's what the rumors were, but no, thankfully the rumor mill was blowin' smoke and Barbera was there to show me what's what!

Mick brought down a single bottle of the yet to be released 2007 Unti Barbera and was generous enough to not only share a taste with several of us, but several tastes for a few lucky souls. This delightful, honest ruby toned delight brought with her a celebration. She's Piemontes for sure, but with a tad more soft fruit, perhaps a slight bit richer than her Italian cousins, but with a more vivacious and youthful aire about her. 

In a word, she's "glorious!"

Earlier in the evening, I asked Mick for his thoughts on veracity, that is, how truthful a wine can or should be, and that's where the connection was hooked. Mick's style is to let the wine be. Let it show itself, be itself, and alter very, very little, if at all. 

Mick, I love you, man!

This Barbera shows great young character, and her glory is her truth. 2007 Unti Barbera releases shortly. Keep an eye out for it. Remember, it's NEVER at Whole Foods in San Mateo, so don't look there.

2007 Unti Barbera
$ TBD (estimated $25-28)
91 Points

04 March, 2009

Ok...time to get going again!

So to start, we'll harness the power of coal :-)