29 March, 2009

Goin' Detox, Day 5 - 27 March, 2009. All Good...All Happy!

Halfway Home.

Nice to make the halfway point. 5 days ago, there was much fear, self doubt and anxiety about this detox. That seems to be replaced by confidence, accomplishment and peace.

Albeit, Friday was a bit of a tough day, since it was bagel day at the office and I'm a bit of a bagel fan. Made it thru OK, but was definitely tempting. Had a good couple of meetings, one with my VP. Always great to sync up with him, then met friends at Pizza Antica in Satan's Row for lunch.

Interesting, as it wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. It's one of my favs for pizza and wouldn't have been my first choice during non-grain, non-dairy detox, but chose to catch up with Joe before he takes off for a month..so the mountain's gotta go....:)

After the office, did a really killer KB workout from Sandy Sommer ...20 mins of Swings & Squats, then a 10 min :30/:30 snatches. Very simple. Very tough.

Decaf Coffee
Almond Butter

Green Salad w/ veggies & grilled chicken

Mixed nuts

Organic chicken & veggie soup
Greek Salad (no cheese)

1 comment:

Sandy Sommer, RKC said...

Looks like you are making headway! Love to get together on the 12th. My phone # is on info section of Facebook. Please call me tomorrow.