Seems as if Jeff Zucker, El UberPresidente of NBC Uni is ticked at Jon Stewart for being tough on CNBC & his lamb, Jimmy Cramer (seen
here for those under the covers for the last week.) Zucker made the following comments at the McGraw Hill Media Summit in NYC earlier this week:
"I think Jon Stewart was incrediby unfair to CNBC and to the business media in general. Everybody wants to find a scapegoat. I'm upset that my 401(k) isn't what it was. But to suggest that CNBC is responsible is absurd. Last year, Jim Cramer was out in front during two days in particular, when he went after Ben Bernanke. He told viewers six months ago to go cash now. It's like holding BusinessWeek responsible for Nov. 2007 suggesting that AIG was the best stock to buy. You can't look at any singular call that CNBC or Jim Cramer makes. I'm incredibly proud of what we've done."
I just can't figure out what he's referring to. Unfair? What the hell are you talking about, Einstein?
If you watch the piece, Stewart brings up several clips where Jimmy the C talks some awfully irresponsible and two faced crap. It seems pretty obvious that Stewart is calling them on their shit. The message is not "The mess here is all your fault Jimmy and CNBC and financial news media", the message that I got, and that seems presented pretty simply, was something along the lines of ..."you guys are supposed to be REAL news and you're not acting that way...you're acting as if you're promoting the interests of connected parties. That's not news. Start acting like news, people are relying on you being informative and honest. You've been neither, lately" (my words, of course)
When Cramer talks out of both sides of his mouth..."Lehman is a great bet" and also "I told people to take cash positions six months ago", he's clearly trying to be more relevant and more of a hero than an oracle. Jimmy, you're just a news guy. Nothing more, nothing less. If that's too "little" for you, you should probably look for a new hedge fund to skunk.
So Jeff, suck it up and get your financial news goons to start acting, reporting, talking, & discussing financial "stuff" more like it's NEWS, not just stuff that really doesn't matter to people. Like Stewart said, it's not a fuckin' game. People are relying on you being news and not entertainment.
Absolutely freakin' amazing that it takes a comedy news show to get to tough questions and call the alleged "REAL" news folks out. These are the guys that are supposed to make us laugh and Cramer and clan are the guys that are supposed to tell us the truth. WHAT?
Both Zucker and CNBC are a joke. Have some gravitas and take responsibility for your inattentiveness to your job. Man up, dude.
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